Sunday, May 28, 2017

City Smarts: Density 2.0

Do you know that Hong Kong is a city in possession of the largest proportion of country parks in the world?  In view of Hong Kong’s severe housing problems and the great demand for ‘boarding’ the first flat purchase, it is about time to review Hong Kong’s land uses, including the country parks, and to re-think and re-invent the extreme density of the city.

The success of Hong Kong is, undoubtedly, a legend. Despite the fragmented and hilly landscape, limited natural resources and a very high population density, Hong Kong has managed to become one of the most livable cities in the world and a renowned metropolis in the region. This relies heavily on its smart citizens, designers, professionals and practitioners in the building and real estate industry. Equipped with fast, efficient and flexible abilities, Hong Kongers are very good at “improvising” according to the actual situations and constraints. These wisdom, experience and culture, collectively named as “City Smarts”, may point ways to solve some of the current problems, and help Hong Kong to become a more appreciative, positive and inclusive society. These “City Smarts” may also be shared with other cities facing similar challenges of land shortage while striving to achieve quality living and high environmental sustainability.

城市執生 :「留得青山在」的傳奇

你知道嗎? 香港是擁有全球最大郊野公園比例的城市,這片青山的存在絕對是一個傳奇,正值香港面對嚴峻的住房、「上車」問題,現在可能是很好的時機,全盤審視這青山存在的過去和現在,並且計劃它的未來。除了實體的青山,「留得青山在」還包含了兩個抽象的概念:「留得青山在」的下一句是「不怕沒柴燒」,這不就是全球在關注的「可持續性」,人與地球共生的問題嗎? 除了人類繁衍延續外,「留得青山在」也包含了精神文化的傳承,歷史的偶然讓香港延續了一些故有的中國傳統,也長出了自己獨有的文化、「執生」的生存之道。

「執生」,一個很地道的香港詞語,代表隨機應變、靈活變通、靠自我能力滿足生存與發展的需要。香港地少人多,土地零碎多山,資源貧乏,如何能成為一個世界舉足輕重的大都會? 如何能在超高的密度下成為世界其中一個最宜居的城市? 這一切都有賴香港人、建築地產從業、設計師們「執生」的能力。這個主題正好讓我們重拾這被遺忘了的智慧,從中找到面對未來的方向,並通過對自身文化的認同和欣賞而變得更團結,以更正面、更包容的態度,克服未來的種種挑戰。總結下來的「城市執生」經驗,更可與面對同樣問題的城市分享,將香港人的智慧發揚光大!